gratitude, well-being and joy

gratitude, well-being and joy

It is gratitude month – the month where I consider the kind promise “I will appreciate blessings.” I have been reading about practicing gratitude here and here (among others). One of the things I like about practicing the promises is the way that I get to give each...
Befriending the Mind 1 – just for today

Befriending the Mind 1 – just for today

It seems my entire adult life has been a process of befriending my mind. It began in an EA 12 step group in Winston-Salem North Carolina with the Just For Today’s. (It’s interesting that, in this brave new connected world, I could find them most easily on an EA...
Befriending the body 3 – action steps

Befriending the body 3 – action steps

We are born into two cultures: the wider culture around us and our family culture. Both give us messages about what it’s like to have a human body and what we might think about our body in particular – its height and breadth,, the textures of our skin and hair, the...