You are lovable, even when you’re ill

You are lovable, even when you’re ill

You may be thinking “but a silly title. Of course people who are ill are as lovable as they were when they weren’t ill.” That’s the conscious, reasonable attitude. A funny thing happens, though, in our unexamined, reactionary minds. People who...
Gratitude in difficult times

Gratitude in difficult times

This month, I am considering the kind promise “I will appreciate blessings.” Sometimes life seems dark and it’s hard to feel grateful. This includes the chaos that follows diagnosis of a serious health challenge and living with it afterward. The...
It’s a little bit funny

It’s a little bit funny

Last month’s blog posts and newsletter were about dealing with change. A reader suggested that I missed one important tactic: finding humor in the situation. Just this morning, participants in a Creative Journaling class agreed that one sign that they are...
on the hunt for varieties of strengths

on the hunt for varieties of strengths

I start my day with a loving kindness meditation. “May you be safe. May you be strong. May you live with joy. May you be peaceful and it at ease.” I wish these things for myself, my loved ones, strangers, enemies, and all beings. I learned this meditation technique...
finding self-compassion for my ill body

finding self-compassion for my ill body

Recently, a nurse practitioner told me I should spend more time in bed. Last July, I received a pressure wound because of an emergency surgery. Almost a year later, that wound has yet heal properly. The best “medicine” would be for me to lie in bed, taking the...